Our Values

At White Stone, we provide responsive education that celebrates the unique abilities and needs of all learners. We seek to empower children’s whole selves through a strong academic foundation paired with art, athletic, and music enrichment experiences.


We value growth over “success”. Failure is to be feared less than apathy.


Ask the questions; challenge the status quo. This often leads to a love of learning and a teachable spirit.


Real power is withholding one’s judgement of others. Unity is not sameness and while I may disagree with others, I can successfully honor myself and them. This create's self-awareness.


Our lives are fuller when we give. This develops selflessness, humility, and a healthy awareness of the needs of others.


Each of us can possess a life of virtue. Integrity is the healthy integration of courage, temperance, prudence, and justice into one’s character.


Successful problem solving often involves the imagination more than intelligence. Believing that there is a way through life’s dilemmas prevents one from becoming a victim of circumstances.