Absence Request

Absence Policy (From WSA Handbook)

Teachers are eligible for four paid sick days and are required to provide doctors’ notes upon returning after sick leave. If more sick days are taken, teachers understand that these days are unpaid. White Stone offers teachers six weeks paid maternity leave (birth certificate or adoption papers are requested). One paid personal day is allowed as long as a two week notice is given to the admin. White Stone Academy administration has the right to use discretion when a teacher requests a personal day (i.e. WSA has the right to deny a personal day or withhold payment for the day).

Through FCCRA, two weeks paid compensation is provided outside of normal sick pay should a teacher contract COVID. A positive COVID test result will be required by admin.

A two week bereavement time for immediate family is allowed with extended family/friends on a case by case basis.

Reason for absence:

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